Ngalla Maya

Ngalla Maya offer First Nation men and women training and employment opportunities after they exit corrective services. Ngalla Maya also rung the First Nations Homelessness Project, which prevents First Nation culturally appropriate support to prevent housing evictions under the WA Governments “three strikes and you're out” rule. 

In 2017 Ngalla Maya received a $100,000 grant through the Fremantle Foundation’s Impact100 Fremantle program. This distribution was significant in that it was the largest philanthropic grant Ngalla Maya had ever received, opening up a new revenue stream for them. 

The grant allowed Ngalla Maya to expand their geographical reach. And importantly, increase their reputation and awareness amongst funders. A difficult task as an Aboriginal led organisation. 

Without the role of the Fremantle Foundation to steward and educate donors, as well as support Ngalla Maya in the application process, the increased employment outcomes for First Nations people would not have been possible. 


Fremantle PCYC